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13 May 2022
New horizons for insect farming

The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed welcomes you to:

New horizons for insect farming: the role of research and innovation in strengthening cross-border collaboration

The event

Three after its publication, the IPIFF Brochure 'Building bridges between the insect production chain, research and policymakers' gets updated with new research opportunities for the insect sector, taking into account the latest regulatory developments.

The objective of this workshop would be to facilitate research collaboration unleashing new opportunities for the insect sector and raise awareness about the European and global needs of tomorrow’s food systems – particularly when it comes to strengthening cross-border collaboration.

The registration for the event is open through this link. Please find here the draft programme. More information on the speakers will be shared in the upcoming weeks.

Matchmaking opportunity


B2Match is an online matchmaking platform through which participants can start online meetings and finish with meaningful partnerships/networking experiences.


Online events are still part of our everyday schedule. IPIFF would like to give the opportunity to its workshop’s participants to virtually discuss with each other as if they were taking part in a live event.


Simple! Register through the link above and create your business profile. Check the participants’ list and request a meeting to the person with your same interests or with whom you would like to discuss.

    How can you benefit from this event?
    Accept the invites from leading food companies for pre-arranged 1-on-1 meetings.
    Initiate and arrange your own 1:1 meetings at the event
    Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
    By being visibly present at the event you will be noticed by leading food companies and funding parties

    Closed since 13 May 2022
    Organised by